Register - Two Hour EMDR Refresher Course with Optional Practicum Fundraiser (up to 5 CE Credits)
Approved for up to 5 CE Credits for NY State Social Workers, Licensed Mental Health Counsellors and Psychologists. This training is eligible for reimbursement by the Dept. of Veteran Affairs and for credit by the EMDR International Association. New Jersey State Social Workers may be eligible to receive CE credits as well.
The two hour course is a charitable fundraiser with all proceeds being donated.
Availability for the two hour course is limited to 25 participants.
The two hour course is designed for those who have already completed their basic EMDR training, but could use a brief review to feel more comfortable using EMDR. We’ll review the basics of EMDR including Target Assessments and Desensitization/Processing as it relates to working with clients online. (2 EMDRIA Credits)
The cost of the two hour course is $49.
The optional practicum is for those who’d like another supervised practicum experience with a small group facilitator. (3 EMDRIA Credits).
The cost of the practicum is $129 with a minimum of six and a maximum of 8 participants/group.
As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Hope everyone is doing well.
[email protected]
William M. Zangwill, Ph.D., is recognized by the NY State Education Departments State Boards for Social Work, Psychologists and Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (#SW-0113), licensed psychologists (#PSY-0035) and licensed mental health counselors (#MHC-0148). All trainings are also approved by the EMDR International Association.
CE Credit Details
Up to 5 CE credits are available for NY Social Workers AND Licensed Mental Health Counsellors who complete the entire course. Some CE credits are available for the completion of each segment.
Two Hour Course - 2 credits
Optional Practicum - 3 credits